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Sunday, November 22, 2015

Making Your Bathroom Kid Friendly

Many of our customers have asked us how to keep they can keep their children safe in their bathrooms. It’s a very logical question when you consider that thousands of bathtub accidents occur every year in Canada and the US. Most of the time, accidents occur with children less than two years of age. Usually they suffer bruises and lacerations from slips and falls but sometimes burn-related injuries from scalds are the culprits. We don’t advise that children bathe in a spa or steambath because the currents make it more difficult for them to keep themselves upright and could lead to tragic consequences.

So how can you keep your little ones safe in the bathroom? Bathtubs that are fitted with non-slip mats, treads or tape reduce the chances of slips and falls. While in the bathroom, children shouldn’t be standing too near the steam bath. Jumping and rough play around the tub should be discouraged. In your regular bathtub, you can cover faucets and bath controls with faucet covers or other soft, secured materials to reduce the chances that a child bumps into one by accident. Water that falls on the floor should be cleaned up immediately.

In order to avoid accidental burns, you can equip your faucet with an Anti-Scald Device. There are two types of devices on the market one that monitors temperature and another that monitors pressure. The best alternative is finding a device that combines both functions. Most importantly never leave your child unattended near your tub. It only takes a few seconds for an unfortunate accidental drowning to occur. 

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