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Sunday, October 2, 2016

Feng Shui for Your Bathroom

In the world of interior design, Feng Shui is hot. Feng Shui is China’s ancient art of placement of things and objects and their effect on the energy flow of the environment and their influence on personal energy flow.

Feng Shui can be applied to every room in a house, including our modern bathrooms. Energy as represented by chi or qi is the term for the universal energy, or the energy that permeates everything around us.  Chi affects our physical and mental health, relationships and level of success. A strong, vibrant flow of Chi in your home will keep nourishing your personal energy, thus allowing you to focus and achieve your personal goals.

It’s easier to implement Feng Shui principles in a new home. But if you’re renovating an older home; don’t despair; you can correct the Feng Shui of an older home. You should avoid locating your bathroom near or next to the front door because this placement drains chi the moment the energy enters the home. Likewise a second floor bathroom directly above a kitchen or front door will extinguish the fire element of your kitchen and damage the health and prosperity a kitchen's chi brings.

If you have a bathroom located near the front door hang a full length mirror on the inside of the bathroom door and place a mirror directly opposite the toilet. Fresh flowers or a bowl of pebbles on the lid of the tank represent earth and will minimize the powerful negative effects of a toilet.
If your bathroom has too much negative chi (energy) you can prevent loss of wealth by adding either a black or red bath rug around the base of the toilet. Beige, cream light blue or gray will also help the counter the effect of too much water because they draw fire.

It’s important to remember that bathroom design elements can be influenced by objects and their placement allowing you to achieve harmony with nature and your surroundings.

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