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Tuesday, August 2, 2016

The Do’s and Don’ts of Hot Tub Water Maintenance

We all love our hot tubs but if we want them to last forever, we have to take care of them. Ongoing regular maintenance involves regularly cleaning the cover and filter of your, monitoring the chemical levels. If your chemical levels are incorrect your spa equipment will rust.  Chemical levels that are too low will lead to a hot tub full of bacteria’s. Yuck!!  

In order to test your hot tub’s chemical levels, you’ll have to buy test strips that cost around $7 and test everything from total alkalinity, calcium hardness, chlorine, pH, bromine, to total hardness. The important thing to remember is that when adding chemical to your hot tub, you should add one chemical to the water, and then wait a full two hours before adding another chemical which will is better for a more even distribution and minimizes the risk of a chemical reactions between the additives that can cause problems. Keeping your spa water running and keep the cover off for at least 15 minutes after you have added your chemicals is also important for proper chemical dispersion.

Soak’s hot tubs usually come with an Ozonator which is the most powerful oxidizer and disinfectant that can be safely used in spas. It kills all known bacteria, viruses and yeasts. You’ll have to check it regularly to see that it’s working properly. Also, we suggest using a water conditioner that will provide you with silky soft, balanced spa/hot tub water and eliminating the need for excessive chemicals.

Keeping your spa water clean will ensure that everyone enjoys your hot tub.

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