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Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Dos and Don’ts of Hot Tub Maintenance

If you’re just re-opening your hot tub for the season or your hot tub has been in operation all winter, hot tum maintenance is an inescapable of hot tub ownership. Like it or not you’ll have to take care of your hot tub if you want it to take care of you.

The first maintenance tip is to replace your spa filter every year. If you use bromine or peroxide sanitizers or natural enzymes derived from plant and mineral extracts; the spa filter must be replaced annually. To keep a sand filter working, depending on the size of the filter you must clean it as often as once a week.  If you live in an area where there is hard water is hard or high levels of calcium levels, cleaning out the cartridge with vinegar and water will prevent crystals from building up around the jets and filters.

Another maintenance tip for removing grimy buildup is to put baking soda on a wet sponge, removing dirt and grime without harming the surface of the hot tub. Shocking the hot tub with a non-chlorine shock once every week will go help keep the water clear. Finally, keeping the right pH level for the water in your hot tub should be a big concern since pH imbalance is a major contributing factor to the development of microorganisms; you may want to take additional care to maintain the pH balance of the water. You may maintain a 7.2-7.4 pH range but it’s really up to you. If you do use tap water loaded with cloramines, metals, and minerals, you might want to purify the water with a spa pre-filter.

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